Your Military Moving Checklist

When your military career requires relocation, it can be a difficult transition for you and your family. One way to minimize the stress of military moving is with a comprehensive checklist to keep you organized and on-task. From the home decor experts at Fashion Furniture Rental, we’ve rounded up the best military experts to create a checklist that considers every step in the military relocation process:

Preparing for your military move: 3 months before 

  1. Start by decluttering and emptying out your closets and drawers. Decide what to keep, donate, or toss. This can be time-consuming, so we recommend starting at least three months before your military move. Taking inventory of your items helps you determine how many boxes you’ll need and the right size moving van.
  2. Consider military furniture rental for your new home. Renting instead of buying has many money-saving benefits. As Elizabeth Bennett Colegrove of the Reluctant Landlord blog explains, storing your stuff can get expensive. Renting furniture saves you the cost of storage units. At Fashion Furniture Rental, we handle the packaging, delivery, and set up for your furniture, eliminating the stress of packing and moving. Furniture rental is easier than buying used pieces and avoids the need to purchase new items. Fashion Furniture offers a complete home package, includes household essentials like kitchenware, linens, electronics, and more. Plus, we offer a 20% military discount to show our appreciation for active U.S. service members.
  3. Familiarize yourself with your new neighborhood with Military Town Advisor, a website that features reviews from fellow military families. This can help you learn about good areas, schools, restaurants, and places to avoid. Share your own reviews to help the next military family moving to the area.
  4. Set a budget and start saving for non-reimbursable moving costs. blog suggests tracking tax-deductible expenses, such as pre-moving costs and house hunting.
  5. Decide whether to lease or sell your current home. Depending on the market, each option has its benefits. Consult a realtor to discuss your choices.
  6. Look for a new home. Military Spouse recommends online house-hunting at Military by Owner, which features a database of homes to buy or rent near your military base. Simply enter your search criteria and browse the listings to find the perfect home to suit your needs. If you decide to live on base, Military Spouse advises contacting the local housing office as soon as possible: “Base housing is often limited and accompanied with a waitlist. Get your name in early to increase your chances of base living.” The local housing office can also offer tips on where to live, including a list of properties and areas that should be avoided. The website also offers tips on how to make your military move as smooth as possible.

One month before your military move

  1. Schedule pick up and delivery dates with your mover and other services such as military furniture rental. Also, take this time to arrange for a storage unit if needed. One month before your military relocation also gives you enough time to verify your move-in schedule with real estate agents and landlords.
  2. Forward your mail and don’t order any new shipments unless it is for your new home. Also, complete an IRS change of address form, which is available on their website.
  3. Return any borrowed items like children’s toys or library books.
  4. Make sure that your vehicles are in good condition and up-to-date on any regular maintenance.

One week before your military relocation

  1. Separate professional items like books, papers, and equipment, which are considered military weight allowances that will be weighed and listed separately from your shipping inventory. Let the packers know which boxes are professional items that won’t be counted into your weight allowance.
  2. Place small items like silverware and furniture components into labeled Ziploc bags, which will help keep small, miscellaneous items organized and accounted for.
  3. Start removing wall accessories such as food and utensil racks, small appliances, and window curtain rods.

A few days before your military move

  1. Separate the items you will be packing and what you need on a day-to-day basis. recommends keeping a household inventory list on hand and carrying it with you.
  2. Take pictures of any valuables, jewelry, or expensive items that will be packed.
  3. Label your boxes so that the movers will know where it needs to go.
  4. Clean out your refrigerator and freezer and let them dry for 1 to 2 days with the doors propped open.
  5. Switch utility services to your new address.
  6. Drain water from waterbeds, pools, and hot tubs.

After your military move

  1. If you are moving to a new state, schedule a time to get a new driver’s license and car registration as soon as possible.
  2. Reach out to medical services such as dentists, doctors, counselors, etc. and schedule appointments for you and your family members.
  3. When your movers arrive, check your inventory list to make sure it matches up with all the packages. Also, if you’re renting furniture, make sure that everything in your order is included in the delivery and arrives in good condition.
  4. Have an idea of the furniture layout for your new home. This will help the movers with large pieces of furniture such as couches, dining tables, and mattresses. At Fashion Furniture Rental, our furniture packages are already professionally designed and arranged, and can be delivered and set up before you even arrive, saving you time and making your military relocation more convenient for everyone involved.

At Fashion Furniture Rental, we know how hard it can be to navigate through life’s transitions, which is why our moving checklist includes everything you need to make your military move go as smoothly as possible. Feel free to add more items to the checklist for a customized military move that meets your specific needs.


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